Actor Nagarjuna’s N-Convention Centre Is Being Demolished

Nagarjuna N-Convension centre is demolised by the Hydrabad Disaster response and assets monitoring protection (hydra)
Actor Nagarjuna’s N-Convention center is begin demolished by (Hydra) Hydrabad Disaster response and asset monitoring and protection. Hydra is putting allegations of (FTL) full tank level area and buffer zone f the Thammidikunta Lake.

The (FTL) FUll tank level is used to sperad of any water body which construction is restricted And also prevent FTL area to prevent encrochments upon water body’s.
Privious year, (GHMC) zonal commisions of the Hydrabad municipal corporation was taken a move by forming protction of encrochments upon water boidies in city.(NRSC) National remote sensing center revel that lake’s in hydrabad was reduce 61% in between 1979 to 2024.
According to FTL and Buffer zone reports the Nagarjuna’s N-convension is stood in 1.12 acers in FTL land and 2 acers in bufferzone.The Thamidikunta lake is 29.24 acers.
The N-Convensions is was under scrutiny for 7 year’s.Inwich the(GHMC) had not taken any step against N-Convension and the management of N-Convension used influence to bypass regulatory of concered athority.
The complaind aganinst N-Convension is fill by komatireddy venkat raddy, in FTL . He also enclose compaint in FTL map pointing and the encrochment along with Google earth map.
He used socal media app x (twitter) following demoltation of drive “The land is patta land,and not even an inch of tank plan is enchroched.AS a law abiding citizen,if the court matter is pending, has decide against me,i would carryed out demolition by my self.
He clamed that no notice was issued to him befour demolistion this morning.
The Congress goverment recenty constructed FTL in telengana as Telengana core urban region (TCUR) for management of dissaster in goverment property lake, park and
water boddies.

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